Welcome to the Central and Upper Great Southern Branch of the VCC WA

With more than 2500 members, the principal objective of the Club is encouraging the restoration, preservation, exhibition and use of all vehicles more than 25 years old.

Our branch is huge, covering 17 shire areas:

Boddington, Broomhill-Tambellup, Cuballing, Dumbleyung, Gnowangerup, Katanning, Kent, Kojonup, Kulin, Lake Grace, Narrogin, Pingelly, Wagin, West Arthur, Wickapin, Williams, Woodanilling….

With a total area of 51,259 sq km and a population of 24700 (Tasmania is 68,401 sq km!)

Encouraging the restoration, preservation, exhibition and use of all vehicles more than 25 years old.

Veteran Cars

pre -1919

Vintage vehicles

1919 - 1930

Post-Vintage vehicles

1931 - 25 years old

Single Marques

Military, Mustang, Humber/Rootes and Model T Ford vehicles