Start of Kings Tour at Quairading
How many people does it take to cut firewood?
Magic Mrs P
At Beacon
The start of our station tour.
Mrs Cook our super sponge maker.
Irish night a whole lot of fun.
The King and Navigator.
The Noble Irishman
Noble and Consort at Sandstone.
Duchess and Pooches minor vehicle hiccup.
Gwalia sly grog shop. One for the road!!
Try harder Mrs P
A little to the left of the middle of no where.
Mrs P champion wood collector.
The Consort, Navigator, Duchess and Pooch, Mrs P, Capt Cooks Wife
The Squire, El Presdente, The King, Capt Cook, The Noble.
Xmas in July
Captain Cook on the job.
The man from the North Ho Ho
Back up the breakaway.
Arrival at Kookynie
Niagara Dam
Coffee at Menzies Nah!!
Found our coffee in Kal.
Was it this button?
Last stop Westonia.